Tuesday, March 25, 2014

THE MONTHLY HOME VISIT: Instructions for the Installation of a Coro of the Holy Family

1. Each Coro is formed by 10-30 families.

2. Among the families, a Celador or Celadora (man or woman), is appointed.
That person will be responsible for the Coro, its organization and well-being.

3. To entitle the Coro, a Patron Saint may be chosen.

4. A day, two or three days of the month is assigned to each family.

5. A list of all members, phone numbers, as well as the day assigned to each family, is attached to the little shrine, for the general knowledge of the members.

6. Upon receiving and dismissing the little shrine, the members make the Sign of the Cross, and recite the proper prayers. A candle is lit near the capillita while it visits each family.

7. Once a year, for the feast of the Holy Family, all the Coros meet together to consecrate their families to the Holy Family. All the capillitas are taken to the Chuch for Mass on that day, during which the families recite together the Prayer of Consecration.

8. All the Celadores or Celadoras take up a collection that day among the members in order to support the needs of the Holy Family Seminary. The collection is given to the General Celadora.

9. For the installation of the Coro, the Celador or Celadora will make arrangements with the General Celadora and with the Pastor of the Parish where the members of the Coro are registered.

10. When a member of the Coro dies, a Mass will be offered by the Coro. The celador/a sends a note to the General Celadora, indicating the name of the deceased member, and his/her age. A list of the deceased members will appear in the Newsletter. The members will offer themselves with the Celador or Celadora to pray the Rosary.

March, 2014

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