Thursday, September 29, 2011

Manyanet Solidarity (Pastoral Plan, # 59)

The XX General Chapter encouraged us to “promote a ‘Non Governmental Organization (NGO)’” among the laity, sharing our spirituality and charism, for the promotion and well-being of the family” (General Chapter Documents III, 5,1).

Manyanet Solidarity is the answer to the social and ecclesial concern of our Institute, heir also to the charism of Saint Joseph Manyanet.

The goals of Manyanet solidarity are:

  • to raise awareness about the reality of poverty in the Third World;
  • to promote structural changes and also changes in the attitudes of people, that promote the growth of people;
  • to improve their lives, their education and training of children and youth; and, to promote the family (Statues 2).

Another initiative of solidarity is the Association of Manyanet Volunteers, which unites young people from our schools in free activities for children and youth in need.

Additionally, we collaborate, as much as possible, with other family and assistance movements, offering our own spirituality and charism.

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